this might answer some faqs,

in alphabetical order:

(I hold myself accountable to these standards and ask for you to do the same if we are to work well together):

Accountability: I maintain a 24 hour aspirational cancellation policy for both of us to do our best with. As a general idea, during the acute/contagious phase of an illness or trauma, rest rather than bodywork is best. Feel free to reach out if you have questions about what’s going on and we can make a plan together. If you can, please reach out before 24 hours to cancel your session and make space for someone else to receive some care. Within 24 hours, emergencies are wholly forgiven with good communication and we can reschedule. If you don't give me notice and don't show, a $75 cancellation fee will be charged. Life happens, but please, let's do our best together to honor our commitments.

Confidentiality. Everything that happens in our session is confidential. I keep password protected SOAP notes (standard healthcare provider notes of: subjective, objective, assessment, and plan points from our sessions) and I will not share your personal information with anyone, ever. I do, however, reach out to my network of other providers with requests for advice on techniques, about conditions, and for perspective on situations that come up in session. I truly believe in protecting your privacy and always ask these questions with strong boundaries of anonymity. I am also living a life of leaning into community and feeding my need for more information and support, all the time. I know I don’t have all the answers. I am willing and interested in continuing to learn and never want to be practicing in a vacuum. If there is ever something that we address, talk about, or achieve that you would not like me to bring up with others, just let me know. You are, of course, welcome to talk about the work we do outside of session with anyone. I ask that if you have feedback for me, please reach out and talk to me first!

Deep Pressure: There is a difference in depth of pressure and depth of sensation. Though it may be true in a literal sense, I don't believe what doesn't take us out makes us stronger in bodywork. Rolfing™ and Structural Integration might have a rep for being painful, but to quote one of my teachers, Dr. Kirstie Segarra, “I don’t work in the paradigm of causing pain.” I agree, and wholly stand by the benefits of gentle work, for SO many reasons. In the right place at the right time, gentle, steady pressure elicits strong sensation as old tensions and holding patterns are released. I ask you to raise a hand (you don’t even have to have words for it yet) when something doesn’t feel right, feels too intense, or you need to know more to feel comfortable. And as always, I am happy to refer you to one of my friends for excellent deep tissue massage, if that’s what you’re looking for! 

Inclusivity: I am a body-positive, human-loving, life-affirming being. I am also a cis-gendered, able-bodied, healthy, educated human of European descent who is humbly learning. I realize - more all the time - how big my blindspots are. I will do my best to honor your requests and needs, as you are willing to share them with me and am wholly open to feedback before, during, and long after our sessions. Please let's practice giving and receiving feedback with care, together! I know from personal experience that this work can feel super vulnerable at times and I will do my best to create a container for your experience and will always treat you with respect and dignity.

Payment options: Payment is due at the time of session in cash, check, or venmo if we must, for a $3 fee (this covers my business fees to venmo).

Products: I provide clean cotton or flannel sheets and blankets to keep you warm and comfortable during our session. These fabrics are always laundered with scent free, non-toxic detergents. 

Sobriety : Please do not come in under the influence of drugs or alcohol that impact your ability to feel. Your presence is the most important element in our work together.

Timeliness: Please arrive 5-10 minutes before the session start time to come in, pee if you have to pee, and land. If you are early, our session will begin at the scheduled time and if you are late, our session will still end at the scheduled time.  

What to bring: please come with an open mind, an open heart, questions, and a willingness to change. In particular, SI is about long-term change. If you're wanting to relax, fall asleep on the table and be rubbed (which is totally lovely, by the way) this work probably isn't for you. My feelings won't be hurt. I'm happy to refer you to someone for a great massage. Other helpful things to bring: Curiosity and Trust. Our relationship as client and practitioner is just that - a relationship. It will build over time and be fed by our shared curiosity, and wisdom. The ten series is a wonderful way to honor the growing of trust and understanding I believe are necessary to create lasting change. This work isn’t for everyone. I am not the therapist for everyone. I will do my best to listen for signs that another professional might be a better fit for you and will help guide you as best I can to someone else if and when that need arises.

What to wear, and what not to wear: Please wear garments that you are comfortable being and moving in (standing, walking, getting up and down off the table), that cover your tender bits (underwear, bra, shorts, tank top, the like), and otherwise leave skin available. If you are more comfortable fully clothed, we can still do a lot; please don’t feel obligated to wear your underwear and know that you will never be asked to be naked. Please avoid chemical and strong (including essential oils) scents. Do your best to arrive at your session clean and odor neutral and I will do the same. 

Thank you!